Affordable Housing in the Metro Region - Past, Present, and Future

Monday, March 11th, 2024

FREE - Everyone is Welcome!

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Event Information:

Doors 6:00 P.M.

Panel Discussion 6:30-7:30p
Reception: 7:30 – 8:00p


The Broadway Rose Theatre

12850 SW Grant Ave, Tigard

An Evening of Community and Dialogue

We believe that solutions are possible when we work together.  This is why we are bringing together people across the spectrum of sectors – community, nonprofit, education, business, and political – to have a generative conversation. Regardless of political ideology and experience, housing is a place where we can come together across our different thinking and move in the same direction toward a solution.

Panel Participants:

Steve Rudman’s public service career in affordable housing and community development spans 40 years.

Consultant and Former Executive Director of Home Forward

Andrea has 20 years of experience in public and private real estate development.

Deputy Director at Housing Development Center

Lorelei has devoted her career to improving policy outcomes at the intersection of public investment, equitable community and economic development, and housing affordability.

Partner/President at ECOnorthwest
Moderated By:
Israel Bayer
Housing Strategist Communications Manager at Metro
Q&A Moderated By:

Thank you to the City of Tigard for supporting this event through their Community Events Grant.

About CPAH:

Community Partners for Affordable Housing (CPAH) is a non-profit community development corporation.  We develop housing, provide resident services, and with the passage of the Supportive Housing Services measure, we now provide case management and rapid rehousing services.  In 2023, we celebrated our 30th anniversary and commemorated this milestone by hosting two events. The first event is this Housing Forum, and the second is CPAH’s Gala, HomeWord Bound at the World Forestry Center on October 12th.

We look forward to sharing both events with our community of friends and neighbors as they give our organization a chance to reflect and appreciate the incredible contributions made by so many over the years, how far we have come, and the work yet to be done.